“Hamelingo Txistularia eta Txirri, Mirri eta Txiribiton” (Euskaraz)
Mendi artean, bazen herrixka polit bat: Hamelin. Munduko txokorik ederrenetarikoa zen. Txirri, Mirri eta Txiribiton paradisu hura ezagutzeko irrikaz zeuden. Izan ere, bazuten bertako lagun bat: Hamelingo txistularia. Berak erakutsi zien txistua eta danbolina jotzen. Hala, maletak egin eta bertara joan ziren oporrak igarotzera.
“Pied Piper of Hamelin and Txirri, Mirri and Txiribiton” (Ingeleraz)
Once upon a time there was a beautiful village in the mountains: Hamelin. It was one of the most beautiful places in the world. Txirri, Mirri and Txiribiton had been wanting to visit that paradise. indeed, they had a friend that was from there: The Pied Piper of Hamelin. He had taught them how to play the pipe and the drum. So they packed their suitcases and decided to go there on holiday.